Subsea Chemical Injection Metering Valves (CIMV)
Our subsea chemical injection metering valves (CIMV) feature SkoFlo’s industry-leading pressure-independent technology for stable and accurate chemical injection.
What features do SkoFlo Subsea CIMV models offer?
Operationally rated to 15,000 psi, ROV installable, and remotely adjustable while also drawing minimal power. During flow adjustment, SkoFlo valves draw 4 watts and only 1-2 watts while idling (stated power values are per valve core).
The communication interface to the subsea control module (SCM) can be Modbus or Canbus SIIS Level 2.
Subsea High-Flow CIMV
Our high-flow models can handle more than 48 U.S. gallons per minute, or 97 U.S. gallons per minute with a dual core, at subsea depths of up to 10,000 feet (3,048 meters).
Subsea Low-Flow CIMV
Our low-flow subsea chemical injection metering valves (CIMV) have the same patented technology as our high-flow valves and can accurately measure flow rates down to one gallon per day.